Monday, September 15, 2008

A little respect for my heroes

Rick Wright, keyboardist and founding member of Pink Floyd, died today, Sept 15 '08, after a short and painfull battle with cancer. S'ar putea sa nu fi auzit prea multi de el, intr'u cat numele de David Gilmour sau Roger Waters erau mult mai cunoscute, decat restul componentei Pink Floyd.
Cu toate acestea, cei ce stiti ce inseamna muzica celor de la Pink Floyd, puteti sa va dati cu usurinta seama ca acesta a fost un membru esential al trupei, si ca merita un moment comemorativ.

Ca un later edit, vreau sa adaug un pasaj spus de Stephen Hawkings( daca nu stiti cine este, documentati'va si treziti'va la realitate!), pe care Pink Floyd l'au folosit in melodia numita Keep Talking ...

"For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals
Then something happenend which unleashed the power of our imagination
We learned to talk
It doesn't have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keep talking"

Ceea ce m'a impresionat foarte mult cand cautam versurile melodiei, a fost acest comentariu asupra lor:
"I recently heard this song and was simply taken aback by the lyrics! I've been studying consulting in psychology for 2 years, still I didn't learn so much from it as from these 6 minutes of Keep Talking...."

Si ca un ultim cuvant, va recomand cu foarte mare caldura albumul The Division Bell semnat de Pink Floyd.

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